
  • ScrumMaster for distributed agile project teams
  • Webinfrastructure with Ubuntu as base, NGINX/Apache/PHP-FPM as app-stack
    • Date: 2016/05 to 2016/11
    • Employer: Restplatzbörse GmbH
    • Client: Restplatzbörse GmbH
    • Description: Upgrade Ubuntu to 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) and CMS typo3 w/ PHP 7
    • Duties: IT Architect, Quality Assurance and ScrumMaster
    • Team members: 8
    • Date: 2016/06 to 2017/08
    • Employer: Self-employed
    • Client: Self-employed
    • Description: Relaunch server infrastructure: 2x VPS with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus); NGINX for the delivery of static content (two-node CDN) and reverse proxy, Apache 2.4 and PHP-FPM7 as backend; delivery based on a multi-layered cache, only via HTTPS with http/2; MariaDB; monitoring with Monit and Munin; all processes, as far as possible and feasible automated with scripts, for example Let's Encrypt for automatic certificate updates
    • Duties: Concept and realization
Find out more about me. If you want to hire me, feel free to visit my contact page.